Sir Nwabueze Nnamani Marks First Independence Day In Office

On the 2nd day of March 2020 at the popular Michael Okpara Square, Enugu, the torch of Restoration and Transformation Agenda of Sir Hon. Nwabueze Nnamani (Ikeoha) was lit. Having been called to duty of social contract through the ballot by the overwhelming majority of Ndi Nkanu-West, Ikeoha was sworn in together with sixteen (16) other Local Government Chairmen by His Excellency Rt. Hon Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi, Governor of Enugu. Among other charges given to them by Governor Ugwuanyi are stimulation of the grassroot economy, partnership in delivering democratic dividends, good governance and overall service delivery.

Apparently aware of how the system works, blended with his undying passion for excellence as a result-oriented personality, Chief Nwabueze Nnamani resumed work in less than 24hrs of being sworn in as the Council Chairman, went ahead to announce critical appointments of his Executives for a smooth take off of his administration. Hitting the ground running at the very blast of the whistle, he has since recorded novel initiatives and commendable progress at regular intervals.


Following the lead of the governor of Enugu State, Ikeoha attacked the outbreak of the novel Coronavirus head-on as the outbreak struck in about a month into his administration. Not given to excuses as a trained professional, Chief Nnamani mobilized the health department in adopting all proactive measures to combat the spread, while propagating every preventive and precautionary measures against the killer virus. The Umueze Health Centre and other Health Centres across the local government were given priority attention for adequate service delivery. Chief Nwabueze Nnamani has maintained an Executive Policy of logistics support for the National Programme on Immunization, NPI and indeed the entire health sector of the local government. It is no gainsaying that Nkanu-West LGC shares in the joy, together with our dear governor, for the national commendation of Enugu State government’s distinctive efforts in the eradication of polio.


Hitherto abandoned local government tractors are now a source of revenue generation for the Council. Thanks to the genuine efforts of Ikeoha to revive and sustain the agricultural sector. The near a decade abandoned tractors with rusts and stolen parts, have been brought back to life for the council’s use on our local government farms, for hire by Nkanu-West farmers at reduced price and for the general public (farmers) at prevailing market rate. More so, the moribund fish pond belonging to the local government council is also receiving attention and will soon be completely revived. Determined to have a viable local government, Chief Nnamani has identified for harnessing, the natural abundance of palm trees within the council premises and the four Development Centres into revenue generating unit. Today the finance department records revenue accruable from tractor hire and sale of palm oil. This sector definitely is one that his administration will seek to explore further for the overall betterment of Nkanu-West LGA. The area of solid mineral resources is one that past Council Chairmen have dreaded to thread on. Ikeoha invited the stakeholders overseeing this field and had a fruitful discussion with them. Today, Nkanu-West generates revenue from this sector, thanks to the peace moves of Sir Nwabueze Nnamani.


Oriemba market, the epicentre of Akpugo and the hub of transport activities had been a perennial nightmare of gridlock, occasioned by non-availability of a regular motor park. Transportation activities of motor vehicles and popular okada riders, together with the unorganized trading activities on the single carriage way before now made it very difficult for other road users to ply freely, especially during weekends and yuletide. Sir Nwabueze Nnamani identified this problem and quickly rallied the transport stakeholders. Today, not only has he commissioned a park in use by transporters, the local government now generates revenue through it. The gridlock has since disappeared, and sanity returned to the entire Oriemba market.

In Agbani, the popular Enugu road section, beginning from across the railway, transporters and business owners who hitherto park their vehicles along the road or encourage big trailers and other vehicles to do so, which impedes smooth road use have been tamed. Nkanu-West LGC now has a Task Force in place to enforce discipline, while making the road free for all users.


The administration of Chief Nwabueze Nnamani has ushered in adequate security, peace and progress in Nkanu-West LGA. Following the footsteps of Governor Ugwuanyi, Chief Nnamani has maintained regular consultative engagements with security stakeholders across board in the local government. The synergy between the various security organs, through the leadership of Nigeria Police and the pivotal supports of Chief Nwabueze Nnamani have yielded huge gains in the last couple of months.

The apprehension of an alleged killer gang rampaging the local government by the Nigeria Police within a very short while after the gang came into the area is a true testimony to this fact. The morale of the Community Neighbourhood Watch and the Central Neighbourhood Watch Security outfits are high because they receive their monthly stipends as and when due, together with other technical and logistic supports from time to time by the local government. The Forest Guards are also not left out.


The perennial encroachment on government lands within Nkanu-West LGA is now a thing of the past. The administration of Chief Nnamani has secured the survey plan of all local government landed properties. Trespasses on Agbani City Layout, the four Development Centres making up the local government area, the Ozalla motor park, the proposed Mini Stadium etc are now secured by the administration of Chief Nwabueze Nnamani.


Not a few will agree that Chief Nwabueze Nnamani does know his onions as an astute administrator of repute. The conception and construction of a befitting gigantic solar powered monument at Agbani Police Station roundabout is a joy to every Nkanu-West citizen.

Within the Council headquarters, Chief Nwabueze Nnamani constructed and furnished to taste an Ultramodern Conference Hall fit for purpose.

The Magistrate Courts 1 and 2 at Agbani were in complete dilapidation before the emergence of Chief Nwabueze Nnamani as the Council Chairman. Ikeoha has moved swiftly to arrest the degenerating situation as his administration has since commenced extensive renovation works on the twin adjoining structure housing the Magistrate Courts.

The dilapidated Council Pavilion is currently undergoing far reaching repairs and renovation work.

Through a novel initiative in stimulating and reflating the local economy and small scale enterprise, especially in times like this, Chief Nnamani has attracted renowned investors to partner his administration in a Public Private Partnership (PPP). The transparency of the Restoration and Transformation Agenda has won over the confidence of the investors who have swung into action after completing the necessary paper work. Nkanu-West LGA, the capital of Nkanu Land, strategically located, and with sufficient endowment will witness a boom in economic resurgence and activities, enterprises, employments and revenue generation as it seeks to compete formally with major modern markets located within Enugu metropolis.

The Ozalla Modern Motor Park with lodging/accommodation provision, bank, 24hrs power supply, security and steady water will dwarf the popular 9th mile and Obollo Afor. The Ultramodern Building Material market ongoing in Agbani has been receiving tremendous interest from the public. In less than two (2) months of commencement, over five hundred (500) interest expression forms were sold.  Agbani Ultramodern Motor Park and stalls is receiving an encouraging interest from business owners and transportation companies as it seeks to ease the already congested Eke Agbani market while improving on the structural plan’s easement. It is instructive to note that the PPP arrangement is on Build, Operate, and Transfer (BOT). Modern facilities such as steady power supply, borehole for steady water supply, perimeter fencing, 24hrs security, banks, modern toilet facilities, good drainage system and concrete/asphalt floors will be found in all the above-mentioned business places under construction.

Mirroring some of these facilities, Chief Nwabueze Nnamani observed that there exists no toilet facility at Eke Agbani and he quickly moved in and constructed six (6) rooms convenience, three (3) for each gender. This commendable move has helped in no small measures to curb the spread of vector diseases, especially in this era of Covid-19 pandemic.


The administration of Chief Nwabueze Nnamani has captured its trademark engagements this time with the traditional rulers and community based government. The Royal Fathers have continued to interact closely with Chief Nnamani on how to improve the lives of ndi Nkanu-West. The Presidents General of the 42 autonomous communities in Nkanu-West have also been meeting at intervals with the Council boss. It is on record that both the traditional rulers and Presidents General have identified unpassable roads, at least a culvert each, pivotal intra and inter community link roads needing attention and the Council will soon swing into action by the end of the rainy season. The local government is currently fixing a broken mini bridge at Amuri community.


The immutable synergy between the Executive and the Legislative arms of Nkanu-West local government is heartwarming. It is on record that Chief Nwabueze Nnamani proclaimed the truce immediately on resumption of office and in less than a forthnight, the Legislative arm was inaugurated and became functional. The yearly budget estimates, the Achilles heels of some past Council Chairmen, was passed into law on record time.


Chief Hon Nwabueze Nnamani is a true party man (PDP). He has carried all organs of the party along while maintaining a good relationship with them all. The party manifesto is not lost in his Restoration and Transformation Agenda.


Chief Nwabueze Nnamani continues to involve Nkanu-West stakeholders forum in his plans, programmes, welfare and policy formulation. He rallied the entire stakeholders in a unique bipartisan approach during the local government palliative programme in the heat of Covid-19 pandemic and they contributed financially to procure food items which was shared to citizens of Nkanu-West who occupy the least position on the food chain of the society, including the PLWDs (Persons Living With Disabilities).

Interestingly, Chief Nnamani also reconvened the stakeholders forum so as to give account of the sharing formula adopted and all expenses made – a true and transparent leadership quality. He has continued to engage the stakeholders at regular intervals in charting the way forward for the overall betterment of all Nkanu-West citizens.


The Nwabueze Nnamani administration is enjoying a good relationship with the Church, and rich spiritual supports from the clergy and the congregation. Recently, he appeared as a special guest in so many Church programmes. On Sunday, 13th September, 2020, at Central Methodist Church, Zik Avenue, Chief Nwabueze Nnamani was conferred with an Exemplary Leadership Award together with H.E, Sullivan I. Chime, Chief Ikeje Asogwa, Chief Festus Oshaba (Ferotex) and others, by no less a person than the Methodist Archbishop of Enugu, His Grace, the Most Rev. (Barr) C.N. Edeh on the occasion of the Church’s 20th Anniversary Celebration/Award. Chief Nwabueze Nnamani enjoys a good relationship with all religious bodies within and beyond Nkanu-West LGA.


Chief Nwabueze Nnamani maintains a smooth, cordial working relationship with the staff of the local government council. The salary and other welfare packages of staff are top priority on his To-Do-List. Nnamani understands the positive impacts of leading by example. His punctuality and regular attendance to work speaks volume of his passion to work ethics. Ikeoha’s open door policy to all and sundry is unprecedented.


In pursuit of gains, employment, empowerment and societal emancipation accruable from technology, Chief Nwabueze Nnamani has fully operationalized Nkanu-West ICT Centre for the betterment of its staff and citizens. The Council is currently embarking of Free ICT Empowerment Training for her citizens. This ICT Empowerment programme seek to empower eighty (80) substantive trainees in the first batch.

Chief Nwabueze is exploring avenues to resettle some outstanding participants after the training. Staff of the local government are not left out, as this will optimize their performance. This unique opportunity is open to all citizens of Nkanu-West LG of all age, and it is FREE. Training manuals, writing materials, identification, steady power supply has been provided for the empowerment training.


The intervention of Chief Nwabueze Nnamani in Community Primary School, Attakwu has saved the structure from total collapse. The school building received extensive renovation work and it is now ready for use by pupils upon resumption. Other Primary and Secondary Schools in the local government are also receiving needed attention in preparation for the resumption after prolonged vacation due to Covid-19.


At the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Federal Government imposed a lockdown of movement locally and internationally. The Nkanu Youth Voluteers swung into action, manning various borders for considerable hours everyday across the local government area. This is a testament to the sense of belonging and mentorship that the youth enjoy under Chief Nwabueze Nnamani.

It is on record that over 90% of his appointments were allocated to the youth constituency. Infact, one of the aides to Chief Nwabueze Nnamani is less than twenty-five (25) years of age. This is a cardinal policy Chief Nwabueze seeks to sustain, borrowing a leaf from our dear Governor, Rt. Hon. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi who believes that the ultimate calling of a leader is to nurture other leaders, not followers.

As the vehicle of Restoration and Transformation Agenda of Sir Nwabueze Nnamani continues to crisscross Nkanu-West landscape, let us all be enjoined to partner this Peace Ambassador to leave enduring legacies and footprints that has positive impacts on the lives of the common man even as we pray for Gov. Ugwuanyi and all leaders across board.

Nkanu-West is in good hands

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