Ndi Enugu,
On Saturday, March 18, 2023, we will make a decision that will determine the trajectory of our State for the next four years and more.
It is not a decision to make lightly based on ethnic, partisan and religious sentiment. It is not a decision to make based on assumptions or emotions.
Enugu State has stagnated in the past 8 years under the PDP-led administration and we must not squander this opportunity that democracy has given us.
This is your opportunity to place the power back in the hands of the people by choosing a candidate who is competent with the capacity, compassion, character and track record that shows resolute leadership to work for the good of our State.
This is why I am running.
In 2004, I ensured that local governments were represented in the FAAC committee and received allocations directly to curb corruption. As governor, I will ensure that their funds are no longer tampered with, that they work with autonomy and accountability.
The same commitment I brought to bear to bring a definite solution to a 50 years long flooding problem in Ogunpa is the same way I will leave no stone unturned to solve the water crisis in Enugu State.
The same vision I shared with my people in Ozalla and initiated the Closed-Circuit Television and solar power to help with security is the same I will deploy to ensure Enugu State is protected.
The same perseverance that made me attract $35.8 billion to Enugu State for the water reform in 2007 is the same I will deploy to ensure Enugu State gets all that is due to us from the Federal Government and other multilateral agencies.
The same discipline that has ensured my career of integrity and excellent service is the same that will guide my leadership and governance of Enugu State.
Ndi Enugu, I am not in this election just to have a title behind my name or to serve myself or potential cronies with the public funds.
I am here to serve.
I am here to show ndi Enugu what good governance should be.
So, go out en masse, encourage others to come out and vote for APGA! Ebe esere okuko Igbo. Most importantly, defend your vote!
My Name is Frank Nweke Jnr. Gubernatorial candidate of party ndi Igbo called APGA.
Nkea Bu Nke Anyi.
Onye Aghana Nwanne Ya