We are inaugurating you to go to the grassroots and canvass for Peter Mbah – Igwesi, PMGC BoT Member

The Local Government coordinators for Peter Mbah Grassroots Canvassers (PMGC) have been charged to go to their respective local governments, wards and polling units and canvass supports for the election of the Enugu State Peoples Democratic Party governorship candidate, Dr. Peter Mbah once the ban on electioneering activities is lifted by the Independent National Electoral Commission.

This call was made on Wednesday at New Haven, Enugu, by Chief USA Igwesi who is a Board of Trustee (BoT) member of PMGC, stressing that the Peter Mbah gubernatorial project should be taken seriously by the coordinators who had been found credible to lead their local government areas.

Chief Igwesi said their aim was to build a project team which would reach out to the people across the state especially those at the grassroots, saying the objectives of the group could be glimpsed from its name.

According to him, about 570 support groups for Peter Mbah’s election in 2023 were already on ground including the PMGC which he described as formidable and up to the task ahead.

“Our group can be defined as a project team because of our formidability and the personalities involved,” he added.

Noting that the governorship candidate was more interested in what happens at the grassroots and polling units, the former House of Representatives member enjoined the coordinators to take the ownership of the project as shareholders, disclosing that the group already had its package and action plan for the prosecution of the election which he said the coordinators would take to their various areas to replicate.

Igwesi while inaugurating the grassroots canvassers stressed that polling units were like centers of attraction and called for dedication and commitment of the members to always reach to the people at the rural areas.

On his part, a former two times member of the House of Representatives from Aninri/Awgu/Oji River federal constituency who is also a BoT member, Rt. Hon. KGB Oguakwa expressed confidence that the group would form part of the movement that would champion the establishment of a new government in the state.

Oguakwa who expressed profound gratitude to Igwesi for the idea of the project team said the group was indebted to him and the only way to pay him back was to go down to the grassroots and canvass for the election of Mbah and his running mate, Barr Ifeanyi Ossai.

“Let me note that we are indebted to Rt. Hon. USA Igwesi, our Board of Trustee member for this lofty idea. The only way to pay him back is for us to go down to the grassroots and bring Mbah’s mantra of disruptive innovation to the people,” he said.

Earlier in his address, the Director General, DG, of PMGC, Engr. Steve Avah declared that the PMGC was a project team of committed men and women who were determined to use their wealth of experiences to ensure the party’s gubernatorial flagbearer wins in March 2023 at the polls.

Emphasizing why their slogan, “Reaching out to voters at their various wards” was unique, the DG stated that they were poised to reach every voter in the state from “ward to ward, community to community, village to village, kindred to kindred so as to canvass and secure votes for our candidates”.

According to the DG, the importance of the inauguration of the coordinators was to empower them to move to their local governments and constitute the coordinators of PMGC at the levels including polling units’ in order to achieve the aims and objectives of the organisation.

The event came to a climax with the presentation of the action plan to the local government coordinators by Chief Igwesi who told them to replicate the action plan in their various jurisdictions and bring back results of their mobilisations.

Responding to the BoT members and the DG of the group, the representatives of the group from each senatorial zone promised to deliver on the mandate handed over to them.


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