MOUAU Pro-Chancellor charges Southeast governors, stakeholders on reawakening agric revolutions, exploits of  M.I Okpara


The new Governing Council of the Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, has paid its first visit to the University after its long-awaited inauguration by President Ahmed Bola Tinubu.

Commencing the 2-day visit on Monday, members of the 8th Governing Council, led by the Pro-Chancellor and chairman of the Council, Comrade Fidelis Edeh, embarked on familiarization tour of the University’s facilities and later addressed the University community during an introductory meeting at the Senator Anyim Pius Anyim’s Auditorium.

Speaking during the introductory meeting, the Pro-Chancellor, Comrade Fidelis Edeh, charged the South East governors and critical stakeholders to come up with blue-prints and innovations to re-awaken the agricultural revolutions and exploits of the Premier of the defunct Eastern Region, late Dr. Michael I. Okpara as measures to enhance self-sufficiency in food production and industrial growth of the region.

Comrade Edeh, a former National Vice President, Nigeria Labour Congress, assured the University community that the 8th Governing Council appointed by President Ahmed Tinubu would ensure that the University realise its core mandate in attaining food security through engagement in collaborations, innovative researches and taking extension services to farmers at the rural areas.

While appealing for unwavering support from the staff and students, the Council maintained that they would run an open door policy where no one would be sidelined and advised the university management, union leaderships and entire university work force to be reasonable in pursuing issues.

ln his remarks, Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Maduebibisi Ofo Iwe on behalf of the management, senate, staff and students congratulated the Pro-Chancellor as well as all members of the Council on their well-deserved appointment. Prof. Iwe pointed out that the president of made no mistake in the appointment as the Council members were, “men and women of proven integrity, whose pedigree and track records in public service, politics and private lives are unblemished”.

He called on the staff to give the Council the maximum support to succeed as the university is in the hands considering the visionary, passionate, hard and smart-working men and women that made up the Council. The university helmsman while giving the historical background of the university, the numerical records of the Colleges, departments and students, hinted that there was need for recruitment of staff to close the missing staffing gap.

Other external council members that accompanied the Pro-Chancellor included Chief Olapapo Atinshola, Hon. Daniel Timothy Burak, and Yakubu A. H. Ruba (SAN). Others were 5Senator Uche Ekwunife and a representative from the the Federal Ministry of Education, Dr. Yusuf Sareed.

The University’s Governing Council is the highest decision-making body of the University. Its duties include setting policies, as well as reviewing, approving and monitoring the University budget.

The Council also paid a courtesy visit to the Abia State Governor at his country home at Nvosi.

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