By E.A Grahams.
Naturally I see people who come around me trying to praise me as enemies and I do everything humanly possible to make them see how much they can help me to fail in life with their unsolicited praise.
If I in anyway inspire you,just say thank you and keep going and never sing it anywhere.
There is this human nature that tends to retard him in activity the moment praises and encomiums start pouring in. Yes, praise begets laxity and no laxity goes without a fall.
When someone is praised for what he didn’t do or overpraised beyond what he did, he is unknowingly given an impression that he has done much even when he has done nada or that the people are already pleased with him and there won’t be any need to invest in them again to inspire them or to in earnest serve them .
This is exactly why most leaders sweep all your resources into their cupboard for them and their families because you gave them the impression that “nke ha mere or nke ha a kaa mero ezugo”
It is mgbawaobistically appalling to note that praisetravaganza has become an inevitable agenda of our political process that political parties even go out of their ways to hire professional praisesingers and ndi-ikonus to up their ante and to charge their thermometric readings. Ohoooiii! Grahams nwa Agbowo, ebe ima nkea, ima nke ozo?
You appointed someone to go to represent and work for your Constituency, he coughs, you praise, he smiles you praise, haba! una be turkey body?
The earlier we save this praise singing abnormalia, the better the performance of our political office holders.
If we still see it as a sine qua non, let us not come to ebenato to search for who is doing to us what is happening to us that we suicidally take an option all by ourselves ike and dike to do in ebenabo.
Di anyi,a puom!
E.A.GRAHAMS writes from Enugu.
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